Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 11 Garden Claire

I worked on December 11 with Kehau, Gaby, Reina, Keoni, Maeflor, Tiana, Jorydnn, and Travis. Travis, Megan, Kehau, and I worked in Mrs. R's section of the garden by her trenches. We were weeding, but it was much difficult because we couldn't water the soil because they were putting piping along the side to keep the soil off the sidewalk. There was a lot of weeds in the trenches and surrounding the trenches, but I think we did a good job of getting them out. It was kind of difficult because there were plants in the trenches that looked like weeds, but luckily we didn't accidentally take out any of the good plants. The next group that works in Mrs. R's section should continue weeding the trenches and around the trenches and fence. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

I worked on December 13 with Reina, Raelynn, and a 8th grader. The garden had lots of weeds and a cane branch fell with many leaves. Our group weeded around the plants and I weeded around the cane as well. I also picked up the cane branch and tried to break it because it wouldn't fit in the garbage but we had to leave it by the garden because Mrs. Bentenquart said will deal with it when we come back. The next group should cut the sugar cane so it will fit in the trash, they also should weed more around the plants. Nothing is ready to be harvest but we should check on the new papaya tree when we get back from break.

I worked on December 11 with Claire, Megan, Gaby, Reina, Keoni, Travis, Kehau, Maeflor, and Jordynn. When i first got to the garden I noticed that there were lots of weeds especially around the plants. Jordynn, Reina and I weeded around the plants and the step stones We also picked up all the leafs around the cane. The next group should check on the papaya tress that maeflor and keoni planted and weed more. some plants look like they still need a little bit before harvesting.


I worked on December 11 with Clarie, Kehau, Gaby, Reina, Keoni, Maeflor, Tiana, Jorydnn, and Travis. Travis, Kehau, Clarie and I worked in Mrs. R's section of the garden.  We sprinkled the soil with water just to moisten it up a bit. Then we started to take the weeds out. I then helped Mr. Spencer with putting in a piece of plastic boarder to keep the dirt in the garden. While we were in Mrs. Rs, Keoni and Maeflor, were planting papaya trees... I think. and the others were pulling weeds. At the end, we rinsed off all our equipment and put everything away. Once done with that, We pulled the dead sugar cane leaves from off the ground. After break, I think the next garden group needs to keep weeding and check on the papaya trees.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The date that I had worked was on Wednesday, October 27, 2013.  The observations that I had made before working was that there had been a lot of weeds that were needed to be pulled, and also the large amount of dead leaves on the cane grass.  The work that I had done individually was to clean the weeds that had been growing in the trenches that had been previously dug, and also taking the wheel barrow back and forth with dried cane grass that had been pulled.  I am not too sure on what my group had accomplished. The work that needs to be done by the next group is to pull the rest of the weeds around the growing plants, and to also maybe dig some more trenches that were only half way plowed to plant more plants.  With the harvest of some of the planted crops maybe we can use it grill it and make vegetarian kabobs.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My group worked on 12/9/13, or last Thursday. Some observations I made before I worked was the amount of weeds that were continuing to grow in the garden. It didn't seem like many groups before mine picked weeds. Individually, I picked weeds mainly around the where the plants were growing, and then I picked weeds were they were most abundant. My group accomplished in getting many weeds pulled around the plants, and all over our garden. The next group definitely needs to finish pulling weeds so we may continue with other things in the garden that need to be done. We should eat the harvest...duh.

Garden group

Yesterday me Clair, Megan, Keoni, Reina, Kahau, Tianna, Jordynn, Maeflor worked on the garden. Me Clair, Megan and Kahau worked in Mrs.Rs section and we pulled weeds around the tomato plant. Keoni and Maeflor I think planted some type of plant. And all the others pulled weeds and did other things. I know coach Robby help with keeping the dirt off the sidewalk. After everything happened we had to pick up sugar cane leaves and then we were done.

Garden Work on December 11

Yesterday, I worked with Claire, Megan, Travis, Keoni, Reina, Tiana, Jordynn and Maeflor in the garden. Claire, Megan and Travis were working on Mrs. R's section of the garden. Keoni and Maeflor were planting papaya trees...I think. Jordynn, Reina, Tiana and I were pulling out the weeds. Towards the end of the working session, everyone gathered the dead leaves of the sugar cane and cleared up that area. The next group should clear out the rest of the weeds that weren't pulled out by us. 

(Keoni and Megan posing in the garden)


I worked on Tuesday the 10th. I worked with Brannon. I initially saw that the entire garden was extremely overwhelmed with weeds. The ground was hard and rocky as well. Individually I picked out large amounts of weeds from areas close to crops. My group accomplished taking out almost all of the weeds close to the crops. I think the next group should take out the rest of the weeds and maybe loosen up the soil and plant plants. We should eat the harvest.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Last week Friday I worked with David and Grant. The garden was overwhelmed by weeds and in only a short amount of time, we could could only weed a small portion.

Garden group

Today, during garden group I mainly focused on weeding around the plants on the right side of the garden. I was really suprised to see how many plants and vegetables had grown such as eggplants and squash. I think the next garden group should continue weeding because there is a lot more to do. 112/11/13

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Date I worked: December 14, 2013. I worked with Mindy, Maurica, & Annabella. The observations I made before we started to work was that there were many dead leaves hanging off of the new grown plants. More weeds had grown around them. The work that I did individually was pulling the weeds out of the ground. I also helped clean up the dead leaves, threw a few mushrooms away, and helped carry the sugar cane into the wheelbarrow. Our group accomplished cleaning up the garden and throwing away the cane grass. The next group will probably do the same tasks that we did. With the harvest we can make food.


Monday, December 9, 2013



Date I worked: December 9th, 2013
           Before I began working, I observed that the garden was very overgrown. The problem was not that the soil was bad. On the contrary, the soil must have been extremely good because the weeds that were growing were very lush and green. They were growing a lot particularly near the roots of the squash plants. If they had not been weeded out, it is possible that they could have grown over the squash vine and suffocated it.  I also noticed that the weeds seemed to grow around the stepping stones because the actual stone provided a good base for the root to take place. Some of the weeds had extremely sharp thorns protruding from the stem.  Individually in the garden, I weeded out the areas around the roots of the squash vines as well as the area around the squash vine itself. I also cleared the surrounding are of a stepping stone. In order to get all the roots of the weeds, I used a hand trowel. There is now a whole patch that I weeded out that now has no noticeable weeds. I was the only person in my group that worked today, so everything I accomplished is all my group accomplished. I think that the next group should continue to weed and complete the job. There is a lot more left to do and it can be accomplished if a few more groups work on it. The harvest could be used to make food. For example, the squash could be made into veggie pizza, squash soup, or even a type of squash pie like pumpkin pie. The seeds could be roasted and salted.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 4, 2013


The date that I had worked was on December 4, 2013.  The observations that I had made before I began working was the mass amount of weeds and dying leaves on both the ground and on the cane grass.  The work that I had did individually had been helping Ms. Betancourt to trim all of the tall sugar cane, break off some of the dead leaves, cut them into small pieces, and then place them all into the dumpster.  The work that the group had accomplished was cleaning off the cane grass and pulling out weeds from the ground along with dead leaves from some of the plants that had been growing.  I think that the next group should pull out a lot of the weeds that had been left behind.  With the harvest I think that we should use the sugar cane to make chao tom which is grilled shrimp paste on sugar cane its really good. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Garden Group

I worked in December 6, 2013 with mostly Grant. Towards the end, Claire and Soraya came and helped with cleaning up. Before we started, me and Grant noticed Ms. Betancourt and the plot behind her's was covered in weeds. Grant and I quickly got to work and I basically pulled weeds with a garden hoe. The work we accomplished was help the clear up the weeds in Ms. Betancourt's garden plot so, in the future, grow more plants. We should use the harvest, if there is one, for the cafeteria to use in their cooking.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Garden Group

I worked on November 20, 2013 with Claire, Gaby, Zeke, Koltyn and Brannon. The observations I made initially before we started to work was that the entire area was covered with little, hard to pull out weeds. I worked on taking out all of the weeds in my assigned section with a metal rake. I also threw out some weeds. My group accomplished taking most of the weeds on the side left of Mrs. R's section and watering that area as well. I think that the next group should continue to work on deweeding and start planting some more seeds in the trenches. We should use the harvest as food for the cafeteria.

Garden Work Group 4 Claire November 20

I worked with my group on November 20. The whole place was surrounded with little weeds in the trenches and around the trenches. We worked on getting the little weeds out in our designated areas. At first Gaby and I were using the little tools to get the weeds out individually but, then we realized that that wasn't working so we switched to the big tools and that was so much faster. In the beginning I worked on watering the whole garden. The next group should work on keeping the weeds out and planting more plants in the trenches.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Garden Group 4 on November 20

Today, I worked on the garden with Claire, Austin, Brannon, Zeke and Koltyn. Claire watered the area before we all started to weed. The boys just went and "attacked" the weeds, not pulling them out one by one. Claire and I were pulling them out one by one until we gave up after 10 minutes and did what the boys were doing. Not all of the garden was weeded but majority of it was weeded. The next group should finish off the weeding and maybe plant more plants in the garden. 
Other pictures:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I worked on November 19, 2013. When i came to the garden, the ground was already wet. I individually removed the weeds that were around the plants. The soil was moist enough for me to pull out the mushrooms and extra weeds. After that, i observed the piles of sugar cane branches. I immediately put them into the trash, as well as the dead leaves behind it. The next group should continue to water and pull weeds. We should also continue to plant as much as we can. With the harvest, we should make pumpkin pie.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Garden group

This past Wednesday I watered the garden, and I help change the dirt and put paper for the worms. The plants are starting to grow and the trenches are getting better. I watered it to keep the dirt soft and to let all the new plants grow. I also cleaned the buckets for the worms. I took the dirt out of the very top bucket and I put paper scrapes into the bucket. I had to dampen the paper and put a layer of about 5 inches. In a couple of weeks the garden should be nice and the plants that we are growing should be good.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I worked on the garden with Gaby and Clair on October 30th. The garden had a lot of trenches in it but not very many plants, except for Ms. R's trenches, they had a lot of pumkins.  I watered the ground to soften it up while Gaby and Clair pulled weeds and planted some pumkins.  Our group acclompished digging a trench in Ms. R's area, deweeding a large area, and, planting one bell pepper and one pumpkin. The next group should plant some more plants and fortify the trenches. I think we should donate the next harvest to Hale Kau Kau so the homeless who get food there can have some fresh vegatables.

Monday, November 11, 2013

I worked on the garden with Laura, Megan, Grant, and Keoni.. During this time, we dug trenches for our future plants. As we were digging, the dirt was dry, rocky which made it hard to make the trenches, even when we watered it.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Garden Work on October 30

Last week Wednesday on October 30, I worked in the garden with Austin and Claire. Austin watered the garden while Claire and I were pulling weeds. We then received an assignment from Mrs. R to build a trench for the bell peppers and so we did that after weeding. After that was finished, Claire and I planted a pumpkin plant/seed into one of our trenches. That was all we did. Next week, we should plant more plants into our trenches so that our garden wouldn't look so bare.
 The trench Mrs. R wanted us to build: 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Garden work Oct. 30

I worked on last Wednesday with Gaby and Austin. Austin watered while Gaby and I pulled weeds that were in the trenches and also around other plants. I planted a pumpkin plant into one of the trenches. We also dug a trench for Mrs. R and planted a pepper plant.

Friday, November 1, 2013

October 23, 2013

I worked in the garden on October 23, with Grant, Soraya, Megan, Chandlette, and Laura. There where other trenches already made by Ms. Delima's class. The ground looked dry and needed to be watered. First, Megan watered the ground and the surrounding plants. Second, Grant and I began to dig trenches for the plants, while the others got out the gardening tools. Next week, we should water the plants and soil some more and start planting.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I worked in the garden on October 23 with Laura, Grant, Keoni, Soraya and Chandlette. When we got there, we noticed that there were trenches already made by Ms. Delima's class. The soil looked dry and needed some hydration. So first, I got out the hose and started to water the soil, sugar cane, egg plants, and other plants growing in the garden. While I was watering, the others were getting the supplies out of the shed. When the water became soft and moist, we began to dig trenches for the pumpkins to grow in. We started by grabbing the hoes and shovels and loosing up the soil. After that, we dug the trenches long and narrow. They were only six inches deep. Next week, we should plant the pumpkin seeds so they can begin to root so they can be ready by Thanksgiving.

My group worked October 23. Before we worked in the garden I observed that we had no trenches for planting pumpkins, but there were no more weeds and the soil was softer than last time I worked. Individually I dug trenches in the garden so we could plant our pumpkins. The group also helped dig trenches and water the soil so that it was easier to dig. The next group needs to dig some more trenches and then we prepare to plant the pumpkins. For the pumpkin harvest we could roast pumpkin seeds or make a pumpkin pie!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I worked in the garden on Wednesday the 23rd of October 2013. Before we began to work, I noticed that one of the plots already had trenches dug. The trenches were relatively flat as opposed to being too steep. Ms. Betancourt had told our group to dig similar trenches in our plot so that we would be able to plant pumpkins. I also noticed that everything was dry prior to working. Individually, I dug a trench using a hoe and a shovel. I also watered some of the herbs on the other side of the garden. As a group, we dug several trenches for the pumpkins. We used the hose to loosen up the dirt before we dug. We also used the water to compact the edges of the trenches to that the dirt doesn't cave in. The next group should probably transfer the pumpkins into the ground so that they can take root and grow. When the pumkins are ready for harvest, we should carve some of them. We can toast the pumpkin seeds that we gather from the pumpkins. Some of the pumpkins should be used to make pumpkin pies.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I worked on October 15, 2013. Ms. Delima and Erin had already began working before I arrived. The garden seemed to be pretty clear from the previous weeks. I noticed that planting had already taken place. After a few minutes, I began watering. We watered for about 10 minutes. After that, I began to pull out the left over weeds. I put them into the bucket and continued to work for the remaining 20 minutes. Ms. Delima helped shovel out the weeds as well. There wasn't really much to do, but I guess we made an accomplishment. The next group should continue to pull out dead leaves, weeds, and sugar cane. Once they finish, we can plant in the other areas. I suppose we should plant fruits.

o & heres my pics:



sas garden work

The date that i worked on the garden was the week after last week before we went on break . the observation that i saw when i walked over there and looked at the garden was that there was weeds around the garden. i helped clean the weeds where ever i say weeds and try to make that i got the whole weed out including the root so that it would not grow back.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 1, 2013

 Before:                         After:

The date that I worked was October 1, 2013.The observations that initially was seen before I started my work was there was that it had been very dry, with many weeds along the tile stones, near the side walk area, and the sugar cane.  The individual work that I had helped complete in the garden was placing the horse manure in the two composting bins with Maeflor and also watering the garden after most of the weeds had been pulled.  The work that needs to be done by the next group would be more watering and pulling of the dry leaves from both the new grown plants and the sugar cane, and planting new plants near the open areas that have just been weeded.  There could be many things done with the harvest, but one idea to use the sugar cane for is juicing it to make nice sugar cane juice on a hot day.  All we would need to do is maybe also plant some lemons to also try to make some lemonade, of course also to find a juicer, and watch out for all of the centipedes near and under the sugar cane.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brannon's Post

The day i went to garden group i got to pull the old cane leaves off the sugar cane. after i took all of them and through them in the back. because of me the garden is beautiful.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

David. Worked on October 2, 2013

The garden was bare, with only the banana trees, sugar cane, and the newly dug ditches that were in the garden. I worked with Reina Ramirez and Zeke Miller. Reina and I mostly put pumpkin seeds in little planting pots to help them grow, while Zeke did some potting soil planting. The thing we accomplished today was putting the pumpkin seeds in the planting pots.

I believe the next group that will be doing the garden group tomorrow will hopefully either do more seed planting or possibly weeding. I'm not quite so positive on what would be done in a week or two. However, if the plants are fully grown, then we should give it to the school for possible food or something that doesn't include wasting the crop.

The picture is the planting pots with pumpkin seeds.

This is Tiana and I worked on October 1, 2013.

 When I got to the garden there were lots of weeds, and I noticed a sugar cane branch was bending and about to break. There were lots of leaves everywhere. I also noticed that the dirt was super dry and the plants looked like they needed some water.

I worked on picking the weeds by the step stones area and by the sugar cane . I also picked up the leafs around those areas.

 I worked with Jordan, Raylynn, Mayflor, and some other eighth graders.  Me and Raylynn weeded on one side while Jordan and Mayflor weeded the other. The eighth graders water and dug.
The next group should water, and pick the remaining weeds around the sugar cane.

Here's my picture :)


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Garden Group #4

 I worked on September 24, 2013 with Claire. When I came to the garden, the garden looked a little messy and not organized and clean. Claire and I, along with Koltyn and Brannon from the other garden group cleaned up the sugar cane, taking out all the dead leaves. The next group should take out all the weeds that is in the area we did not work on and pick up the remaining leaves that were not taken to the dumpster.

There may be more dead leaves on the sugar cane that may need to be cleaned out as well (watch out for the plants near the sugar cane)

Enjoy the lovely pictures we took :)

While working
End results

Garden group 4

This is Claire and I worked on September 24, 2013. 

When Gaby and I first got to the garden I observed that it had a lot of weeds. I also noticed that the sugar cane had a lot of dead leaves. The soil was very dry and dusty. 

I worked on getting the dead leaves off of the sugar cane. I also weeded the ground around the sugar cane. 

The ground needs to be watered so that it won't be as hard and will be better for growing some plants. I also recommend adding a layer of fertilizer for the plants 

Love and Plants,

Sunday, September 29, 2013

This is Keoni.  I worked on the garden on Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Observations:  There were a good amount of weeds growing  in the front and back of the sugar cane plants.  I also noticed the ground was dry and needed to be watered.  The compost bin was filled with dead leaves and twigs.

Individual Work:  I first filled the compost bin with shredded paper from Miss Betancourt's storage room.  I then added water to the compost bin.  I  then pulled weeds in the middle area of the garden.

What needs to be done by the next group:  The next group should continue weeding as they grow in.   The garden should be watered and fertilized. 


Thursday, September 26, 2013

I worked on Wednesday September 25, 2013.  I took out weeds in my thirty minutes of garden time.Before I worked, I was the only one to work, I noticed the weeds were growing in thin lines along the sides of the garden and around the plants.  The soil was really hard and dry till it was watered.  While it was dry, the soil was very hard to uproot weeds, but the wetter it got, the easier it was to uproot weeds. The work that my garden group accomplished was taking out some of the thin lines of weeds and throwing them in the dumpster. I think the next group needs to make the soil broken up by smashing it or aerating it with shovels and rakes. With our next harvest, we should give it the cafeteria so they can have local vegetables that are healthier.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Garden Group Week 3- September 17, 2013

I worked on September 17, 2013. By the way this is Colin. I don't know why my thing says unknown so...yeah... Anyways, before we started working there were a lot of small bright green weeds in large patches. There were also taller weeds scattered around the garden that weren't very clustered together. I helped soften the soil by basically uprooting most of it with a shovel. I also pulled weeds and threw them in the dumpster. Our group pulled weeds and helped make room for planting. The next group should keep doing what we're doing. And make sure the soil is wet. We got lucky because it rained the day we did this, so the soil was very easy to work with. We should plant an orange tree. Right in the middle of the whole thing. And on the sides we can plant sunflowers because they can grow in most types of soil. 

September 25, 2013 Garden Pics

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


 I worked on September 10, 2013. Before I began working, I observed the scattered weeds in the garden. It seemed like there were more weeds than the previous weeks. During the 30 minutes, I pulled weeds and set them into the wheelbarrow. I also pulled off dead leaves that were behind the stepping stones. Ms. Delima's group shoveled out the weeds, while we gathered a pile of dead/dry leaves. The wheelbarrow was taken out to the dumpster about two times. We accomplished a decent amount of work in the garden. We left behind a lot of weeds, but we tried our best to pull out most of them. In the future, I would like to see the groups pull out all of the weeds. We will eventually be able to make it look enjoyable for the various plants. I think we should plant pumpkins for the upcoming seasons.

Garden: Week 3

Week 3:
This week the garden looked nice. I worked September 17, 2013. Ms. Delima, Will Holiday, Soraya, and Colin were already there doing work before I got out to begin. I could tell that they watered the garden because the soil was damp. I started to pull the weeds out in all the places where Ms. Delima had tilled up the soil. After I pulled up all the weeds in that area, I raked them to the edge of the garden and picked them up and carried them to the wheel barrel. Then I moved to the next part of the garden and then did the same things. I did that for about 10 more mins, then helped rake up the extra leaves and weeds that the other people missed. It was very hot outside. The next group should do the same stuff that we did, or maybe more. Soon the garden should be clean. I suggest that we grow tomatoes and peppers for healthy heart.

Garden Blog 09/24/13

Today, Tuesday September 24th 2013 I worked in the SAS garden for biology. I was able to weed a large corner of the garden to make room for new plants. The next garden group should work on weeding the rest of the garden. I would like us to plant Strawberries in the section I weeded.
the garden rocks
Garden Blog.
hi. gahden looks nice and clean. (:


Da gaaaaddennn is JACINTO!!!!

The Garden

The garden looks great so far. Can't wait to work later today :)
Our garden is lookin' good.
We should plant small pumpkins for next year's Halloween so we can carve them. Ms. Betancourt's garden is the best one...
Our garden is da best!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Date worked: September 17, 2013 
The observations that were made was seeing the increase of weeds throughout the garden. I was able to work with Group 3 from Biology Honors, and together we pulled the weeds at the bottom of the garden and disposing them into a wheelbarrow, then dumpster. I think we should plant tomatoes in our garden because the soil seems to have the texture that it needs to grow in, and simply because tomatoes are "the bomb."