Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 1, 2013

 Before:                         After:

The date that I worked was October 1, 2013.The observations that initially was seen before I started my work was there was that it had been very dry, with many weeds along the tile stones, near the side walk area, and the sugar cane.  The individual work that I had helped complete in the garden was placing the horse manure in the two composting bins with Maeflor and also watering the garden after most of the weeds had been pulled.  The work that needs to be done by the next group would be more watering and pulling of the dry leaves from both the new grown plants and the sugar cane, and planting new plants near the open areas that have just been weeded.  There could be many things done with the harvest, but one idea to use the sugar cane for is juicing it to make nice sugar cane juice on a hot day.  All we would need to do is maybe also plant some lemons to also try to make some lemonade, of course also to find a juicer, and watch out for all of the centipedes near and under the sugar cane.

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