Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I worked in the garden on October 23 with Laura, Grant, Keoni, Soraya and Chandlette. When we got there, we noticed that there were trenches already made by Ms. Delima's class. The soil looked dry and needed some hydration. So first, I got out the hose and started to water the soil, sugar cane, egg plants, and other plants growing in the garden. While I was watering, the others were getting the supplies out of the shed. When the water became soft and moist, we began to dig trenches for the pumpkins to grow in. We started by grabbing the hoes and shovels and loosing up the soil. After that, we dug the trenches long and narrow. They were only six inches deep. Next week, we should plant the pumpkin seeds so they can begin to root so they can be ready by Thanksgiving.

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