Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Garden Group Week 3- September 17, 2013

I worked on September 17, 2013. By the way this is Colin. I don't know why my thing says unknown so...yeah... Anyways, before we started working there were a lot of small bright green weeds in large patches. There were also taller weeds scattered around the garden that weren't very clustered together. I helped soften the soil by basically uprooting most of it with a shovel. I also pulled weeds and threw them in the dumpster. Our group pulled weeds and helped make room for planting. The next group should keep doing what we're doing. And make sure the soil is wet. We got lucky because it rained the day we did this, so the soil was very easy to work with. We should plant an orange tree. Right in the middle of the whole thing. And on the sides we can plant sunflowers because they can grow in most types of soil. 

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