Tuesday, September 24, 2013


 I worked on September 10, 2013. Before I began working, I observed the scattered weeds in the garden. It seemed like there were more weeds than the previous weeks. During the 30 minutes, I pulled weeds and set them into the wheelbarrow. I also pulled off dead leaves that were behind the stepping stones. Ms. Delima's group shoveled out the weeds, while we gathered a pile of dead/dry leaves. The wheelbarrow was taken out to the dumpster about two times. We accomplished a decent amount of work in the garden. We left behind a lot of weeds, but we tried our best to pull out most of them. In the future, I would like to see the groups pull out all of the weeds. We will eventually be able to make it look enjoyable for the various plants. I think we should plant pumpkins for the upcoming seasons.

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