Saturday, December 14, 2013

The date that I had worked was on Wednesday, October 27, 2013.  The observations that I had made before working was that there had been a lot of weeds that were needed to be pulled, and also the large amount of dead leaves on the cane grass.  The work that I had done individually was to clean the weeds that had been growing in the trenches that had been previously dug, and also taking the wheel barrow back and forth with dried cane grass that had been pulled.  I am not too sure on what my group had accomplished. The work that needs to be done by the next group is to pull the rest of the weeds around the growing plants, and to also maybe dig some more trenches that were only half way plowed to plant more plants.  With the harvest of some of the planted crops maybe we can use it grill it and make vegetarian kabobs.

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