Sunday, September 29, 2013

This is Keoni.  I worked on the garden on Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Observations:  There were a good amount of weeds growing  in the front and back of the sugar cane plants.  I also noticed the ground was dry and needed to be watered.  The compost bin was filled with dead leaves and twigs.

Individual Work:  I first filled the compost bin with shredded paper from Miss Betancourt's storage room.  I then added water to the compost bin.  I  then pulled weeds in the middle area of the garden.

What needs to be done by the next group:  The next group should continue weeding as they grow in.   The garden should be watered and fertilized. 


Thursday, September 26, 2013

I worked on Wednesday September 25, 2013.  I took out weeds in my thirty minutes of garden time.Before I worked, I was the only one to work, I noticed the weeds were growing in thin lines along the sides of the garden and around the plants.  The soil was really hard and dry till it was watered.  While it was dry, the soil was very hard to uproot weeds, but the wetter it got, the easier it was to uproot weeds. The work that my garden group accomplished was taking out some of the thin lines of weeds and throwing them in the dumpster. I think the next group needs to make the soil broken up by smashing it or aerating it with shovels and rakes. With our next harvest, we should give it the cafeteria so they can have local vegetables that are healthier.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Garden Group Week 3- September 17, 2013

I worked on September 17, 2013. By the way this is Colin. I don't know why my thing says unknown so...yeah... Anyways, before we started working there were a lot of small bright green weeds in large patches. There were also taller weeds scattered around the garden that weren't very clustered together. I helped soften the soil by basically uprooting most of it with a shovel. I also pulled weeds and threw them in the dumpster. Our group pulled weeds and helped make room for planting. The next group should keep doing what we're doing. And make sure the soil is wet. We got lucky because it rained the day we did this, so the soil was very easy to work with. We should plant an orange tree. Right in the middle of the whole thing. And on the sides we can plant sunflowers because they can grow in most types of soil. 

September 25, 2013 Garden Pics

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


 I worked on September 10, 2013. Before I began working, I observed the scattered weeds in the garden. It seemed like there were more weeds than the previous weeks. During the 30 minutes, I pulled weeds and set them into the wheelbarrow. I also pulled off dead leaves that were behind the stepping stones. Ms. Delima's group shoveled out the weeds, while we gathered a pile of dead/dry leaves. The wheelbarrow was taken out to the dumpster about two times. We accomplished a decent amount of work in the garden. We left behind a lot of weeds, but we tried our best to pull out most of them. In the future, I would like to see the groups pull out all of the weeds. We will eventually be able to make it look enjoyable for the various plants. I think we should plant pumpkins for the upcoming seasons.

Garden: Week 3

Week 3:
This week the garden looked nice. I worked September 17, 2013. Ms. Delima, Will Holiday, Soraya, and Colin were already there doing work before I got out to begin. I could tell that they watered the garden because the soil was damp. I started to pull the weeds out in all the places where Ms. Delima had tilled up the soil. After I pulled up all the weeds in that area, I raked them to the edge of the garden and picked them up and carried them to the wheel barrel. Then I moved to the next part of the garden and then did the same things. I did that for about 10 more mins, then helped rake up the extra leaves and weeds that the other people missed. It was very hot outside. The next group should do the same stuff that we did, or maybe more. Soon the garden should be clean. I suggest that we grow tomatoes and peppers for healthy heart.

Garden Blog 09/24/13

Today, Tuesday September 24th 2013 I worked in the SAS garden for biology. I was able to weed a large corner of the garden to make room for new plants. The next garden group should work on weeding the rest of the garden. I would like us to plant Strawberries in the section I weeded.
the garden rocks
Garden Blog.
hi. gahden looks nice and clean. (:


Da gaaaaddennn is JACINTO!!!!

The Garden

The garden looks great so far. Can't wait to work later today :)
Our garden is lookin' good.
We should plant small pumpkins for next year's Halloween so we can carve them. Ms. Betancourt's garden is the best one...
Our garden is da best!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Date worked: September 17, 2013 
The observations that were made was seeing the increase of weeds throughout the garden. I was able to work with Group 3 from Biology Honors, and together we pulled the weeds at the bottom of the garden and disposing them into a wheelbarrow, then dumpster. I think we should plant tomatoes in our garden because the soil seems to have the texture that it needs to grow in, and simply because tomatoes are "the bomb."
I worked on September 10, 2013. I noticed that before I worked there were weeds  all around the garden specifically by the step stones, and that the soil was dry and rough. Individually I pulled weeds and took the weeds to the trash after many of them were pulled. Over the 30 minute period my group and Ms. Delima's group had successfully pulled weeds by the step stones, but there were still plenty of weeds that needed to be pulled afterwards. The next group should definitely finish pulling the weeds and making the garden look "nice" for the plants we will soon plant. I'm not to sure what we should do with the eggplant rather than we could make eggplant sandwiches.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mindy M's blog post

Date I worked: September 3, 2013 The observations that I had made was that there was many weeds spread all over the garden especially near the sugar cane. I was told to work our way from the bottom to the top, so I had individually loosened the weeds spread along the bottom edges of the garden, along with picking up the weeds then placing them in the wheelbarrow, and then taking the wheelbarrow and dumping the weeds into the dumpster. Out of my garden group I was the only one that had attended, but I had worked with Ms. Delima's garden group and accomplished pulling out most of the weeds from the bottom half of the garden along with the dead, dried out parts of the crops growing. I hadn't really noticed any of the harvest other than the pumpkins. I think we should use the harvest to carve out designs, and use the seeds and insides for pumpkin pie and salted pumpkin seeds.

Laura D.'s post

Date I worked: September 17th, 2013 Before I began to work, I noticed that there were a lot of bright green weeds near the stepping stones. They were about eight or nine inches tall. There were also a lot of scattered smaller weeds in open areas. I noticed some dry, dead vines laying on the ground, too. Individually in the garden, I pulled up weeds around the stepping stones. I also raked up leaves after they were pulled up. As a group, we used shovels to loosen the dirt and pulled up the weeds using our hands in gloves. We also cleaned up some of the dead foliage by the plants. After we had finished gardening, we raked up all of the weeds we pulled and the other dead or dry leaves. The next group should be able to clean up the garden more as well. It might take two groups, but the area should be pretty clear soon. With the vegetables in the garden, we should make eggplant spaghetti. We have most of the ingredients.