Monday, November 19, 2012

Team 3 (honors)

Due to blog problems... these posts are a little late but it finally works!!!!!


            Last week was my garden group time and it was fun! The before and after pictures that were taken to show how much work we did was posted on the garden blog last week. I worked in the garden on October 11, 2012 from 3:00 to 3:30. Before we began working on the garden there was lots of weeds around the entire garden, there was dead plants, and the sugar cane had lots of broken and dead branches on it. I contributed to the garden by pulling out lots weeds around the banana trees, cutting dead branches and leaves off the sugar cane, and also pulling weeds in the front of the garden near the sidewalk. I also took some of the pictures that were posted on the blog. My group accomplished quite a bit overall. We took out most of the weeds around the banana trees, cleaned up the sugar cane, and we tidied up the garden and took out any leaves, sticks, and weeds we found around the garden. I think the next group needs to continue to pull the weeds and maintain a nice clear area so that we can plant new plants in the future. I also think they should continue to maintain the sugar cane and cut it down so the plant doesn’t grow out of control. We harvested one tomato while I was doing my garden work and I think everyone should try it and see how cool it is to grow your own food for free. All it takes is a little time, patience, and love.    

         I did this garden on November 7th. Before we began working there were quit a bit of weeds aroung the garden, the taro plants were dead and needed some care... the soil was dry, and the rossemary needed its flowers pulled. Individually, I gave all the taro plants fertalizer, planted a new taro plant, pulled weeds, and helped deflower the rossemary bush.I worked with Micah and  Hamilton and we accomplished a lot. we complely watered the entire garden, we pulld dead leaves off the tomato plant, we planted a new taro plant into a pot, gave all the taro plants fertilizer, pulled weeds, and deflowered the rossemary bush. I think the next group needs to continue to water the plants, watch the tomato plant for the tomatos that are almost ready to be harvested, and continue to pull weeds and deflower the rossemary bush. Once the tomatos are ready to be harvested we should make an easy little dish and habe all the biology and biology honor kids enjoy it at lunch one day.

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