Thursday, November 8, 2012

Garden Group 2 Biology Honors- Joshua Schwartzlow

2) Date you worked 

Thursday November 1, 2012 

3) Observations you made initially before you started to work. 

The water in the aqua planter was  had particles of dirt in it and when we took out the filters they were covered with waste. Also the only one of the plants seemed to be benefitting from the aqua planter.

4) What work you did individually in the garden? What work your group accomplished?

The individual work that I did was cleaning out the filter, emptying the water from the container, refilling the container, cleaning out the beakers and test tubes. My group members did tests on the water to determine the elements in it, cleaned the containers, helped me refill the container, and took the fishes out of the container.

 5) What you think needs to be done by the next group?

The next group should make sure the filter is cleaned, change out the water, check if there are any changes in the water and see if the plants are growing.

 6) What should we do with the harvest? 

Seen these plants are just in the aqua planter to get a head start you should take the plants that are ready to be planted in the garden and plant them. 

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