Monday, November 19, 2012

Team 3 (honors)

Due to blog problems... these posts are a little late but it finally works!!!!!


            Last week was my garden group time and it was fun! The before and after pictures that were taken to show how much work we did was posted on the garden blog last week. I worked in the garden on October 11, 2012 from 3:00 to 3:30. Before we began working on the garden there was lots of weeds around the entire garden, there was dead plants, and the sugar cane had lots of broken and dead branches on it. I contributed to the garden by pulling out lots weeds around the banana trees, cutting dead branches and leaves off the sugar cane, and also pulling weeds in the front of the garden near the sidewalk. I also took some of the pictures that were posted on the blog. My group accomplished quite a bit overall. We took out most of the weeds around the banana trees, cleaned up the sugar cane, and we tidied up the garden and took out any leaves, sticks, and weeds we found around the garden. I think the next group needs to continue to pull the weeds and maintain a nice clear area so that we can plant new plants in the future. I also think they should continue to maintain the sugar cane and cut it down so the plant doesn’t grow out of control. We harvested one tomato while I was doing my garden work and I think everyone should try it and see how cool it is to grow your own food for free. All it takes is a little time, patience, and love.    

         I did this garden on November 7th. Before we began working there were quit a bit of weeds aroung the garden, the taro plants were dead and needed some care... the soil was dry, and the rossemary needed its flowers pulled. Individually, I gave all the taro plants fertalizer, planted a new taro plant, pulled weeds, and helped deflower the rossemary bush.I worked with Micah and  Hamilton and we accomplished a lot. we complely watered the entire garden, we pulld dead leaves off the tomato plant, we planted a new taro plant into a pot, gave all the taro plants fertilizer, pulled weeds, and deflowered the rossemary bush. I think the next group needs to continue to water the plants, watch the tomato plant for the tomatos that are almost ready to be harvested, and continue to pull weeds and deflower the rossemary bush. Once the tomatos are ready to be harvested we should make an easy little dish and habe all the biology and biology honor kids enjoy it at lunch one day.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekend Gardening

People who worked in the garden today: Yusuke, Jonathan, Jalen, Vanessa, and Jade
Date: November 10th, 2012
Time: 9:30AM-11:00AM

Initial Observations:
Most weeds in the garden area has been removed.  Some weeds were still visible behind the sugar cane and towards the right side of the garden.

Individual Work:
I removed dead portions of the sugar cane and removed weeds that were growing near them.  I also watered the sugar canes.

Work accomplished as a group:
As a group, we worked on removing the rest of the weeds in the garden.

Work that should be done by the next group:
The next group who will be working in the garden should take out the remaning weeds that are in the garden.  

What we should do with the harvest:
We currently do not have anything to harvest in the garden.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Date Worked: Wednesday, November 10 , 2012
Time: 3:00-3:30pm
People present: Micah, Cayla, Hamilton

Observations: I noticed that there was still some weeds around the plants. The basil seemed to be thriving. We also saw that there were more tomatoes growing on the tomato plant.

What I did individually: I pulled out almost all of the flowers on the basil plants. I also pulled out some of the weeds surrounding the plants.

What the group accomplished: We pulled out almost all  of the flowers on the basil plant. Also, we watered the many of the plants including the sugar cane, taro, and basil plants.  Lastly, we pulled out many of the weeds surrounding the plants.

What needs to be done by the next group: I would like the next group to pull out more of the weeds in the garden and pull out more of the dead sugar cane leaves. The plants should be watered too.

What should we harvest and what should we do with it?: Nothing should be harvested at this time but when the tomatoes are ripened, they can be harvested. The harvest should be shared amongst our classmates and the SAS staff.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hey Guys! im garden group 1, and i worked with Taylor, Ivana, Randy and Nicole!!  1) Date you worked: I worked on October 31, 2012 2) Observations you made initially before you started to work.: The garden still had a lot of weeds that needed to be pulled out and some dead leafs on the basil. 3) What work you did individually in the garden?: I watered all the plants (not the weeds (; )What work your group accomplished?Together we all pulled at weeds, the dead leafs and just cleaned up the garden. 4) What you think needs to be done by the next group?: I think the next group should acuallty plant more plants in the garden to make it look much more full. 5) What should we do with the harvest?: We should make Tomato Sauce or Salasa.

Garden Group-After Pictures-Thursday 11/8/12

Garden Group-Before Pictures-Thursday-11/8/12

Garden Group 2 Biology Honors- Joshua Schwartzlow

2) Date you worked 

Thursday November 1, 2012 

3) Observations you made initially before you started to work. 

The water in the aqua planter was  had particles of dirt in it and when we took out the filters they were covered with waste. Also the only one of the plants seemed to be benefitting from the aqua planter.

4) What work you did individually in the garden? What work your group accomplished?

The individual work that I did was cleaning out the filter, emptying the water from the container, refilling the container, cleaning out the beakers and test tubes. My group members did tests on the water to determine the elements in it, cleaned the containers, helped me refill the container, and took the fishes out of the container.

 5) What you think needs to be done by the next group?

The next group should make sure the filter is cleaned, change out the water, check if there are any changes in the water and see if the plants are growing.

 6) What should we do with the harvest? 

Seen these plants are just in the aqua planter to get a head start you should take the plants that are ready to be planted in the garden and plant them. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Garden Group 2 Biology Honors.- Ivana Vega

2) Date you worked
October 31, 2012
3)Observations you made initially before before you started work
I saw some weeds, but not a ton. i Also saw that the basil was growing beautifully. Although there was alot of bees. I also saw that the tomatoe plant was a little dryed out.
4) What work you did individually in the Garden? What work your group accomplish?
Individually I took of the white flowers and stems of the basil plant. I also weeded around the banana trees.
Our gorup worked on the basil plant, watered all the plants, and weeded. SOmeone also harvested some tomatoes and basil.
5)What you think needs to be done by the next group?
I think the next gorup should continue weeding around the banana trees. They should also keep on watering the tomatoe plant and pick off the white flowers off of the basil.
6)If there is any harvest, we shuld cook it  then either eat it or give it away.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

garden group 5 biology.

HI all! I'm in garden group 5. i worked with kailen on Thursday October 25, 2012. some of the observations that me and kailen made were that there were a few weeds, dead leaves from the sugar cane, and that we needed to take care of the white flowers on the basil plant.

some of the individual work that i did was the watering, and weeding but when kailen was done cleaning off the leaves from the sugar cane he came to help me. 

so at the end of the time that we worked we accomplished quite a bit. we pulled off the dead leaves from the sugar cane, weeded by the banana tree, and picked off the white flowers off the basil tree managing not to get stung by bees.

i think that the next garden group should maybe try to trim the tomato plant so that maybe with trimming it that it would grow.

with the harvest that we had from the garden such as the basil. we should make some salsa.