Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Garden Work Apr15,2021 - Alena

 Before and After Garden Work: 


At the beginning of our work, there were weeds everywhere. If I am being completely honest I didn't know if the plants in our box were weeds or the plants we want until Kyle showed me which ones were what we are getting rid of. We weeded the box and uprooted the ones around our box. My group (6) watered our plants and made sure they were still alive. 

Group 6 - Kyle and Gavin: I think we need to plant more because we have a huge open space in our box and I would like to fill it. If you could write a list of what you would like to plant that would be amazing 

1 comment:

  1. You are missing some required elements of the blog entry: no picture, no observations or inferences! Description & suggestion for next week looks good.
