Thursday, April 29, 2021

Aaron's Garden Blog 4/29/21

 Today, Chop and I has watered our plants nicely and while he was planting seeds for Ms. Betancourt, I weeded our box out to keep our plants healthy.  I to also noticed that our plants has been growing at a steady pace.  I have observed that our yellow flower has bloomed and is also growing.  I think that the purple flower might have stopped growing either because we over watered or planted it wrong.  Next week, Chop and I want Mikayla to weed if there are any weeds, water but not too much because it rained, and also help out Ms. Betancourt with anything she need help with.

Thank you-Aaron Guerrero

Before                                                After


Chop’s Garden Work 4/29/21

 Today Aaron and I weeded and watered both of our boxes. I helped Ms. Betancourt plant flowers that she hopes to give out for Mother’s Day.

Our tomato plant got huge since last week, our other plants like our watermelon have grown a lot as well. I noticed the purple flower isn’t really growing at all. I don’t know if that’s just as big as it gets or we need to pay more attention to that one.

Next garden group on Tuesday and water some more and help Ms. Betancourt finish those flowers if she hasn’t already finished it.



Wednesday, April 28, 2021

April, 28 2021-India


There wasn’t much to be done today either. I watered the box and then pulled out the weeds. And there were barely any weeds by the squash and melons because I’m guessing the plant was taking up most of the space. I then helped water other boxes and the lilikoi and pineapple. I also saw that there are flowers blooming on the squash so that means we should be getting some vegetables soon. In our box I see that we have a label for some radishes but nothing has grown in yet. So maybe our other members can take the seed out and replant something else or try again so we can have a full box.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Garden box work

 We weeded and watered our garden box 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

April 23 Garden Work - Gavin Acosta

 Today we weeded and watered, as usual. It was mildly hot, and there was no music, so it was a very uneventful process. Our radishes are making great progress, and every other plant is growing slowly too. I'm excited for the carrot and green onions to finish growing. Next time, we should weed and water as usual, but also make sure our plants stay on track with this steady growth process. 


Friday, April 23, 2021

Our second garden box 4/20/2021


During this gardening session watering and weeding was done (we did the weeding after I took this picture).
2 observations that I noticed was that a lot of our sunflowers were growing and that the other flower Masako planted hasn’t grown as much. Since some of the sunflowers haven’t sprouted yet or are a bit taller I can infer that the sunflowers are going to take the longest to grow out of all of the plants in there. I can't want to see all of the sunflowers at the end it’s going to look super pretty. For the people in my group that go on Thursday please make sure to keep up with weeding and to give the sunflowers lots and LOTS of water it needs it.

Garden work- Sofia


This is one of the boxes that my group has and the first picture that was taken was from a week after we planted everything and the second picture was taken a few weeks later. Weeding, watering, and planting was done. I planted a flower called Marigold. I noticed that the carrot seeds that I planted were growing but I’m not too sure on what type of carrot it is yet so I’m very interested and excited to see the finished product after it’s fully grown. I also seen that the Serrano Chile has grown a lot. Since most of the carrot seeds haven’t grown yet or popped up I can infer that they’re going to take the longest to grow out of all of the plants in this garden box. Next week I will be planting cilantro seeds so for my garden group members that go on Thursday please make sure to water it and to please water the flower that I planted it needs LOTS of water.


Today I mainly did weeding and watering. There were some weeds growing by the carrots and squash so I took them out. The squash are also growing blooms so hopefully we’ll be growing some squash soon. I finished with watering the box and helping water others boxes for the rest of the day.

Garden Work 04-22-21 (Grp6) - Alena

Before our Garden work began yesterday there were weeds and weeds for days. Our individual garden work wasn't hard. In fact, we actually finished before Mrs.Beancourt came down to join us. Once she saw we had weeded our own box and water our plants as well she had us weed the whole garden area. 

GRP6: Kyle and Gavin some of our plants died from drowning and I want to plant some lavender so if you guys are okay with that I'd like to plant them next week. Please think abt it, thank you 

     Before and After garden work :

Squash has been growing

Garden Work 4/22/21

 Yesterday, Aaron and I watered both of or boxes and weeded them really well. I also watered the rest of the garden. I helped out some of my homies.

I noticed that the tomato plant grew a lot, ad our plants were looking better than last time.

Our watermelon plant seems to be growing kind of slow, but I am not really worried about it.

I think we need to just keep watering and weeding properly and our boxes should see looking really good, and maybe hope for some rain on the weekends.



Garden Work 4/15/21

 Last Thursday, Aaron and I watered all of our plants and weeded our boxes. I noticed that Mikayla had planted a new yellow flower. 

Our tomato plant and some of our other plants didn't seem to really grow from the week before, however, our book was looking really good.

I think that we need to water our plants more often because twice a week isn't that much.

P.S. I do not have any pictures from 4/15/2, because Aaron's phone broke.

Thursday, April 22, 2021



BLOG POSTS Must include the following: 

  •   Before Work Image & After Work Image of whatever areas of the garden you are doing work in. Images must be labeled
  • Date of work
  • Description of what was done during the gardening session (i.e. watering ,weeding, planting etc.) Be specific!
  • At least (2) observations & 1 inference
  • Suggestions for your garden group team members about the work that needs to be done for the next session.
This blog post will be worth 50 pts & the garden work will be worth 50 pts.

Aaron's garden blog 4/22/21

 Good Monring, Afternoon, and evening everyone.  Aaron here, today on Thursday, April 22nd, Chop and I have watered Mikayla's plant and also weed around the general garden.  (I am having technical issues with pictures because my phone is broken, photos will be up and running later).  Next week, Mikayla just needs to weed and also water the plants (NICELY) but overall our garden box looks amazing, great job team! 

April 22, Garden Work


April 22, 2021

Today four boxes where weeded and watered.

I found some new plants in the two outer boxes, assumed they where ours and weeded and water both. 

A majority of the plants seem to being doing quite well with the onions reaching about a foot in length. Found some crusty white substance in the middle boxes (assuming it's paper compost.) 

One of the Serrano chilis in the left middle box has wilted to a point I think not rescuable. Probably want to up the amount of water we give them as Spring goes into a hot Summer.

Thanks guys,

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Masako's Garden Blog 04/20/2021

Before/ After Picture


This week My garden partner and I planted, weeded and watered are garden boxes.
Rob you can plant whatever you want oh and we planted the okinawan sweet potato.

Garden Work Apr15,2021 - Alena

 Before and After Garden Work:

At the beginning of our work, there were weeds everywhere. If I am being completely honest I didn't know if the plants in our box were weeds or the plants we want until Kyle showed me which ones were what we are getting rid of. We weeded the box and uprooted the ones around our box. My group (6) watered our plants and made sure they were still alive. 

Group 6 - Kyle and Gavin: I think we need to plant more because we have a huge open space in our box and I would like to fill it. If you could write a list of what you would like to plant that would be amazing 

April 14, 2021

 Mostly everything had been planted so we spent the day watering all the boxes. We couldn’t see some of the new plants so we had to make sure we watered everything.

Garden box bradda


So nice

my pretty flower

During gardening last week, I planted this cute flower named viola pansy which needs LOTS of water. I watered this flower before and after i planted it. ITS SO PRETTY BYE


April 15 Garden Work

 Today we weeded and watered our garden box. We tended to our green onions, which have started to sprout a little bit. We planted radishes as well. Next time, we need to weed and water again, as well as moderate plan growth progress

Pictures of before and after - 

Garden Work

 Last week tuseday Sofia and I planted two pansy's and watered and weeded our garden boxes.

Garden work

 Garden before and after pictures?

Aaron's Garden Group BLOG

Our Group which consisted of Nathniel, Mikayla, and Aaron weeded out our boxes and also gave our plants a little water to grow.

Next week we need to weed out more and try to water more.

Garden Work

 Last week me and my homie Aaron worked in the garden, we watered our plants and took out some weeds.

Sas garden work

Thursday, April 15, 2021

April 15, Garden Work

April 15, 2021

Today the two boxes where weeded and watered. 

Onions where well and tall and some sprouting could be seen in the left most box. The recently planted flower seems also well, colorful too.

(-I believe I forgot to mention/label I planted tomatoes in that
area that had some sprouting, sorry, could you guys have that relabeled if open.)

Watered the sweet potato but it still needs to get planted.

*When pulling weeds make sure to get all the way down to their roots, they'll
still grow if you just pluck their leaves.


Thanks guys,