Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Garden Work March 3rd

Today I worked in the garden with Tai, Joel and Cole. I worked on filling up some of the smaller planters with soil and emptying others, while Tai and Joel took the flowers off of the thai basil, weeded, and watered. Cole and I shoveled dirt into a bucket and used that dirt to fill up some half-full small pots, as well as dumping the rainwater out of those that had formed puddles. We also took some of the small pots that had plants that didn’t grow, and emptied the soil to use again. I also started an avocado plant from a pit by using toothpicks to levitate the pit halfway in water. I hope to maybe have this avocado tree starting to grow by the end of the year, since I know that avocado trees usually take a while to start. Joel and I also discussed ideas for our garden box while working in the garden. I hope to plant lavender, permitting that the temperature and atmosphere of our garden is suitable. We also discussed other herbs to plant, such as lemongrass or chamomile. Next time we work in the garden, I could work on preparing our garden bed to plant things, or maybe starting some seeds.


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