Monday, April 15, 2013

Saturday 4/13/2013

Ivana Vega
Biology Honors
Saturday Garden Group

Date I worked on: 4/13/2013
Observations before work: There where tons of weeds everywhere. The basil lant was huge and covered with flowers.
Work I did individually: I worked on pullling out the weeds on the far left side of the garden lot. I also watered it so that it would be easier to pull the weeds.I also put some of the stepping stones in.
Work done by group: As a group we pulling out most of the weeds, we watered the plants, we planted some flowers, we put in the stepping stones, and we did an expiriment with sun flowers. We are testing wether the flower grows faster with the pre-made compost or the homemade compost.
Work that should be done by the next group: The next group should finish weeding. They should also water and plant somemore plants.
Harvest: Theres not much to harvest, maybe some rosmary and basil, but thats pritty much it.

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