Sunday, April 28, 2013

Garden Group Party 4/26/13: All of Biology Class with some helpers

1) a picture of your group working or before and after pictures of the garden on your workday 2) Date you worked 3) Observations you made initially before you started to work. 4) What work you did individually in the garden?What work your group accomplished? 5) What you think needs to be done by the next group? 6) What should we do with the harvest? 

No Pictures...

   On April 26, 2013, I worked in the garden with almost the entire Biology class and a few helpers. Initially, I observed that there were more weeds next to the band room, and some bunches of weeds in other areas.
Individually, I started off shoveling mush into a wheel barrow and bringing it to the garden for making the trench going around the garden. I then switched to digging the trench with a shovel with some help from Ian (helped break down the dirt). After that, I used my hands to dig some dirt out of the trench, then took a break from that and piled a lot of weeds into a wheel barrow and dumped it in the trash. Once again I come back to the trench and use a hoe to scoop out the dirt while it was being dug by Ian. Finally I switched lastly over to the sugar cane portion of the garden and using a hoe, I dug tiny openings in the dirt for seeds to be in.  My group made a lot of progress, such as digging half of the trench for irrigation. Another accomplishment was cutting down the sugar cane and readying the soil for planting. Finally, removing weeds from the garden and the stepping stones was the last accomplishment. I think that the trench needs to be finished, the dirt needs to be prepared for planting, and more weeds need to be pulled out of the garden. When the harvest is ready, it should be shared with both Biology and Biology Honors classes because of the commitment and hard work.

Garden Group 4/18/13: JD, Alex and Dylen

1) a picture of your group working or before and after pictures of the garden on your workday 2) Date you worked 3) Observations you made initially before you started to work. 4) What work you did individually in the garden?What work your group accomplished? 5) What you think needs to be done by the next group? 6) What should we do with the harvest? 

No Pictures...

   On April 18, 2013, I worked in the garden and in the worm habitat bin. Initially, I observed that in the worm bin, there was left over rotten paper shreds (probably the old worm food). In the garden, I noticed some weeds next to the band room and a few other small patches of weeds in some other areas. Individually, I placed the paper shreds in the worm bin for them to eat, and I helped pull out some weeds in the garden. Our group accomplished the task of watering the garden before taking out some weeds, done by Alex. Also, Dylen helped feed the worms along with me, and I helped take out weeds with Alex after he was done watering the garden. The next group should finish picking the weeds and start to plant some new plants.  The harvest should be enjoyed by everyone who helped with taking out the weeds.      

Friday, April 26, 2013

awesome blog

1) a picture of your group working or before and after pictures of the garden on your workday 2) Date you worked 3) Observations you made initially before you started to work. 4) What work you did individually in the garden?What work your group accomplished? 5) What you think needs to be done by the next group? 6) What should we do with the harvest? 

1) No pictures.

2) Friday, 4/26/2013.

3) Some observations I made before we started to work was that there were a decent amount of weeds and there were uneven stepping stones.

4) Individually, I pulled up the stepping stones and carried some over to the band room (where ever we put it), pulled up weeds, threw away trash, and put down mulch. Our group pulled out most of the weeds, removed the stepping stones, and dug about half of the "moat" around the garden.

5) I think the next group needs to finish the "moat", dig up the remainder of the weeds and plant/water the plants/seeds.

6) I think that when we get harvest, we should have the biology class eat the fruit/vegetables/herbs.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cayla's garden blog. Saturday

Hello All, We are going "GREEN" for the Garden Observation Posts! (Get it "Going Green" "Garden"-HEHEHE!!) So here is what each individual needs to include in their posts: 1) a picture of your group working or before and after pictures of the garden on your workday 2) Date you worked 3) Observations you made initially before you started to work. 4) What work you did individually in the garden?What work your group accomplished? 5) What you think needs to be done by the next group? 6) What should we do with the harvest? 

1. Its been posted :)
2. April 13th
3. The weeds in the garden were absolutely horrible. It looked like it hasn't been taken care of in a while. The plants we did have were dry and needed to be watered.
4. I weeded the right side of the garden, racked, took out trash from the garden, and watered plants.
5. My group accomplished a lot! We almost completely weeded the garden, watered the plants, put down some stepping stones, and planed some flowers.
5. The next group needs to continue to weed and get some plants in the ground.
6. There was no harvest this time but the bananas are getting very close!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Garden Group #1 - Alex

      I worked in the garden on April 18, 2013. I noticed before I started working that the garden was mostly weeded except for a large patch of weeds close to the band room. By myself, I took out and returned the hose. I watered the entire garden and helped to weed. I also helped dump the weeds into the dumpster from the wheel barrow. As a group, Dylen, JD, Miss Betancourt, and I fed the worms, watered the garden, and weeded a section of the garden.
      The next group needs to continue weeding until the entire section of the garden that is overgrown is cleared out. Once that is finished, we should work on fertilizing the soil.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Alex - Saturday Workday

          I worked in the garden on Saturday, April 13th along with most of the biology honors class. Before we started working, I noticed that the entire garden was overrun with weeds. Individually, I unwrapped some flowers and helped move stepping stones out of Cayla's dad's truck. I watered the entire garden to prepare the soil for weeding. I spent most of the remaining time weeding a big part of the garden with a pickaxe. Following that, I helped to move stepping stones to their rightful place. As a group, we got the majority of the garden weeded and moved the stepping stones to their places according to the layout done by my garden group. The soil was fertilized, and we planted a few flowers.

Saturday 4/13/2013

Ivana Vega
Biology Honors
Saturday Garden Group

Date I worked on: 4/13/2013
Observations before work: There where tons of weeds everywhere. The basil lant was huge and covered with flowers.
Work I did individually: I worked on pullling out the weeds on the far left side of the garden lot. I also watered it so that it would be easier to pull the weeds.I also put some of the stepping stones in.
Work done by group: As a group we pulling out most of the weeds, we watered the plants, we planted some flowers, we put in the stepping stones, and we did an expiriment with sun flowers. We are testing wether the flower grows faster with the pre-made compost or the homemade compost.
Work that should be done by the next group: The next group should finish weeding. They should also water and plant somemore plants.
Harvest: Theres not much to harvest, maybe some rosmary and basil, but thats pritty much it.

Saturday 4-13-13 garden group. by nikki

Nikki Donnelly
Date I worked: Saturday April 13, 2013 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Observations before work: There was a lot of weeds. The weeds was in bush-form. There was also pokey weeds too. The weeds were all around the garden.
Work I did individually: I pulled out most of the weeds in the area of the two banana trees. I helped shovel the soil back into the trenches that were dug out.
Work done by group: We pulled out most of all the weeds. Also we put in the stepping stones and dug trenches and put compose and put soil back in. The group planted flowers along the outer edge.
Work that should be done by the next group: They need to pull out the rest of the weeds, water plants, and start planting too.
Harvest: You can see there are bananas on the banana trees. The next group should not pick them yet until it is ready. It still has a green color.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

March 27, 2013

March 27, 2013- Date worked
3:00- 3:30 pm- Time

Observations: Before I worked for garden group the weeds were very big and made me feel like it was going to take for ever. I saw that weeds were everywhere by the banana trees, the basils, and the sugar canes.

Work I did individually: The work I did individually was pulling out the weeds and putting the heavy blocks on the tarp. Carrying one at a time was heavy. Also taking the weeds in the trash can was also hard. The weeds kept on coming on me and the dirt was hurting my eyes.

Work Group accomplished: The work my group accomplished was pulling out a lot of weeds and then placing the tarp on the floor, after me and Micah had to put the heavy blocks on the tarp. 

Next group: The next group should do more weeding and plant something where the tarp will be remove and that is where the plants will be planted?

The harvest: the harvested bananas from the banana trees should be eaten from our hard students who have worked for the garden groups and with our teacher.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Biology Honors: Garden Group Three

Date Worked: Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Time: 3:00-3:30pm

Observations: I noticed that there was still some weeds around the plants. The basil seemed to be doing well. There were many dead leaves on the sugar cane. One of the banana plants had produced fruit. 

What I did individually: I pulled out weeds near the basil and banana plants. I also helped place and secure a tarp over the areas with weeds.  

What the group accomplished: The group pulled out a lot of the the weeds and dead leaves on the sugar cane. Also, the tarp was placed and secured over the selected area. 

What needs to be done by the next group: I would like the next group to pull out more of the weeds in the garden. They should also remove the tarp from the area and determine whether or not the tarp method should be used again.  

What should we harvest and what should we do it?: The ripe banana on the banana tree should be harvested. It  should be shared amongst our peers and teachers.