Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sofia’s garden blog- 5/18/21

The work that was done was watering. 2 observation i can make it that our rose plant has gotten taller and one rose had grown. 1 inference is if we continue to water and watch over it our ride will become a full rise bush and it will have tons of roses! Suggestions for my garden group is to make sure to not forget to water the rose bush.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

T. Gomez 05-09-21 Garden

 Photos: Gavin and Kyle 

Today we watered and pulled weeds out of our box. We noticed that our radishes were ripe for harvest, while our other plants were dying or dead. We haven't found out what was eating our plants but our radishes and green onion were still growing. We watered our plants a little more than usual thinking it will revive our other plants.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Sofia’s Garden blog: 5/16/2021


                               After :
The work that was done this gardening blog was weeding, counting, and watering. I counted how many flowers on the Chile plant there was because that determines how many chiles there going to be. 2 observations is that my marigold flower was half dead so I decided to just take it out and that our green onions were growing a ton! Since there were about 27 flowers on the Chile plant I can infer that there are going to be about 26 chiles later. Some suggestions I have for my garden group is to watch on the Chile because we don’t want it to die since it’s almost going to start growing chiles soon.

Sofia’s garden blog: 5/9/2022


The things that were done was watering and weeding.
I did weeding in between the sunflowers you can’t see it’s hidden. 2 observations is that the Sunflowers have grown so much since the last time and so has the Okinawa sweet potato. Since none of the seeds that we’ve planted hasn’t sprouted yet I can infer that they won’t be grown for a while.
Some suggestions I have for my garden group members is to continue to weed and water to have a clean and healthy garden! 

Sofia’s garden blog: 5/2/2021



The work that was done in the gardening session was watering, cleaning and weeding. Two observations is that chile plants have grown a last since the last time I’ve been in the garden and that none of my carrot seeds have grown yet. An Inference is that since there Serona chile plant has grown so much I can infer that there are going to be some chiles soon. Some suggestions for my garden group is to water a lot especially since we just planted some new seeds.